Establishment, Development & Karate Training of Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do S.A.
Francois Erasmus Sensei established the Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do after after 39 years of continuous training, learning and teaching. Francois Sensei decided to focus the remaining years of his martial arts career in passing on his main skill-set, being that of teaching practical combat karate to those who’s main objective is to learn how to be combat ready in both physical and psychological self defence.
To date Francois Sensei have trained a host of students throughout his martial arts career in both Goju Karate & Kickboxing and have also taught practical self defense to more than 3000+ security officers in the S.A. security industry.

The roots of Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do are firmly grounded and based on where the focus of our system lies, which remains exactly the same as when Francois Sensei originally commenced his Karate journey – being the essence of Combat Self Defense Karate of this exceptional Martial Art.
The focus, foundation, training and aim of Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do is not the game of “touches” for competition / sports karate. Our focus lies in the teaching of strong basics as the foundation, along with proven traditional karate techniques and kata based applications to establish a Martial Aritist who can handle him/herself in a physical confrontational situation in order to protect him/herself, or others and to therefore preserve LIFE.
Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do is built on mutual respect. It aims to foster and shape strong character. It assists in developing awareness, focus and concentration. It establishes loyalty and perseverance. It highlights and reflects who one truly is as a person and nurtures constant introspection for personal development. It aims at increasing physical and mental ability & strength. It endeavors to create a strong sense of belonging and unity amongst its members, who become a family of lifelong associates in the martial arts.
Our training focuses on improving agility, power, flexibility, fitness, body conditioning, speed, the understanding of strategies behind the techniques, unity of body & mind and precision in the execution of techniques in order for the karate-ka to become the best warrior version of him/herself in our powerful, yet beautiful self-defense combat art.

Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do combines the “how / how to” technique perfection of Japanese Goju, with the important “Why” a technique is executed in a certain way of Okinawan Goju. In doing so, Senshi-Kai brings balance between these two systems to provide the student with the most practical and efficient, yet flowing & phenominal aspects of Goju Karate.
We further incorporate Sabaki principles in our training, where we combine defensive and offensive techniques and strategies for what ever real life self defence confrontation we may face.