Our main international affiliation is with the World Sabaki Federation (WSF), which is an international world karate governing body, similar to the JKF (Japan Karate Federation).
The WSF consists of an international panel of top ranking senior Karate-Ka groups from various styles, and each group caters for the affiliation of its own styles/systems pertaining to gradings & certification, seminars and more.
The WSF operates under the leadership of its International President, being Kaicho Hoosain Narker.
- South African Karate Alliance (SAKA)
- World Union Of Karate Federations (WUKF)
- Dynamic Mixed Fighting (DMF)
- Martial Arts South Africa (MASA via DMF).
- South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Commitee (SASCOC via DMF & MASA)
- South African Kickboxing Association(SAKA via DMF)
- World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO)
From a Colour Belt Grading perspective, all Kyu gradings are conducted, certified and endorsed by senior instructors of Senshi-Kai Goju Karate-Do S.A.
All Black Belt (Dan) gradings are conducted, certified and endorsed by the World Sabaki Federation (WSF), which consists of an international panel of top ranking senior instructors from the Traditional Goju Karate community (Goju Ryu, Goju Kai, Kenwyn Goju Ryu, Goju Kenpo, Gorei Goju Ryu) under the leadership of the World Sabaki Federation, President – Hoosain Narker (Kaicho 8th Dan).